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HomeB-Breed Awards


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Upcoming High Point Shows

Are you competing on your favorite Arabian, Quarter Horse, mule, Appaloosa or other equine breed? Show your support for your best horse by nominating him for a CAWDA High Point Breed award.

CAWDA is offering an award to the highest scoring horse nominated by its designated breed in conjunction with the CAWDA Live Shows High Point and Virtual Shows High Point programs.

To nominate your favorite four-legged competitor
for a breed award, you must

1) Complete the Breed Nomination form below. NOTE: You must nominate your horse in the current show year in order to be considered for a breed award. Breed nominations do not carry over from year to year.

2) Submit scores in accordance with CAWDA program rules and meet division qualifications under the respective CAWDA High Point program by the end of the 2024 high point year. See complete rules for Breed Awards and the CAWDA High Point programs in our CAWDA Rulebook at

This is a sponsored award; only sponsored breeds will be awarded. (Sponsorship does not preclude nomination; a horse may be nominated for a breed award regardless of whether the award has yet been sponsored.)

Sponsorships are $135 per breed. Any breed may be sponsored including a “Unknown Breed/Unregistered Breed” horse. Sponsors will be listed in our eNews for a full year and on our website and will be recognized at our year end awards ceremony.

To sponsor a breed award, go to our Sponsorships (Click Here) page or send your check and the breed you wish to sponsor to CAWDA,785 Tucker Road #G410, Tehachapi, CA 93561.

Nominate Your Favorite Equine below!

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California Western Dressage Association

785 Tucker Road #G410
Tehachapi, CA 93561